Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Dried Papaya Leaves as Organic Mulch for Tomato Plants

Dried Papaya Leaves as Organic Mulch for Tomato Plants Abstract Mulching in agricultural provides a safe yet equally profitable method of enriching and fertilizing the soil planted with crops. Most often-used mulches are of organic composition, such as dry leaves and barks. Unlike  synthetic fertilizers  and herbicides, these organic mulches pose no or little damage to the soil and crops. In this study, the effectiveness of  dried papaya  leaves as organic mulch for tomato was tested.Papaya mulches in different thickness were applied on plots planted with tomato in three replications. After the determined period of mulch  application, the researchers  application, the researchers measured the height increases of tomato plants and the weed density in the plots. It was concluded that papaya mulch significantly promoted height increase of tomato plants and inhibited the growth of weeds. The best mulch was 3 inches in thickness. IntroductionUsually defined as the use of organ ic and biodegradable materials to give plants the nutrients they need, organic farming proved to be the safest and most effective method of increasing and sustaining yield. Various methods fall under organic farming, such as composting, green manuring, legume inoculating, and utilizing animal manure as fertilizers. Mulching is a simple process that increases soil fertility and regulating several factors affecting overall plant growth. In this method, a layer of material-the mulch-is placed on soil surface around the plant.The mulch is used to retard the growth of weeds, protect roots and stems from sudden or extreme temperature changes, reduce soil erosion by wind and water, retard runoff of rainfall, prevent soil pudding by breaking the impact of raindrops, and keep flowers and fruits from being spattered with mud during rainstorms. Hypotheses 1. Treatment 2 (black plastic mulch)  was the most  effective mulch for growing eggplant in terms of:a. Controlling  weedsb. Insect  Countc. Number  of  damaged  and  undamaged fruits. Weight of  damaged and undamaged fruits 2. There was  a significant  difference among the treatments  in terms  of:a.Controlling  weedsb. Insect  Countc. Number  of  damaged  and  undamaged fruits. Weight  of  damaged and  undamaged  fruits 3. Treatment 2 (black plastic mulch)  was the most  effective mulch for growing eggplant in terms of producing undamaged fruits. Significance of the study Nowadays, various processes and methods have been considered inorganic farming such as composting and utilizing animal manure. These methods have been proven in giving excellent growth and development of plants. One of the techniques in organic farming that have been used today is mulching, either dry or wet season.It is very effective in conserving soil moisture for  the plants, prevents growth of weeds, can lessen  the use of chemicals like insecticides and pesticides, keep flowers and fruits fr om being spattered with mud during rainy days, keeps the soil cooler during summer and keeps warmer in rainy season . Numerous recyclable materials are found in our surroundings such as barks, leaves, rice straw, sacks and plastics that can be used for some agricultural purposes like mulching and these materials can be used as an organic fertilizer for plants.Furthermore, rice straw, sacks and plastics has been proven as mulch for plants. If these materials were used properly, it would be a big benefit to the humanity particularly to the farmers . It is for this reason that, the researchers thought of exploring the comparison between rice straw, black plastic and white old sack as mulch for eggplant in terms of number of weeds ,number of insects, number and weight of fruits. Through this, the farmers will have comprehensive information about the differences between the different mulching materials.In addition,  this  study  can  help  the  farmers  to  lessen  the use  of  chemical  products  and  will contribute to the protection of the environment for not using synthetic fertilizers and pesticides which could harm our nature but rather the mulching materials that have a minimal cost and environment friendly. These will also help the  country’s aim in harnessing the full potential of  its natural resources. Definition of terms Papaya leaves are commonly used as organic mulch for tomato plants as they provide all the nutrients required by the plant, without the need to cover the tomato plant in pesticides.Tomatoes grow right through from the spring until autumn, and turn in a number of fruit harvests during this period of time. They are incredibly hungry and thirsty plants and require mulch all summer long for their protection. * Organic mulch for tomatoes Organic mulch can be made from any kind of plant or animal matter and papaya leaves are perfect for this. Other things that can be used include bark, pine chips, grass clippings, spent leaves and regular compost. Papaya leaves are ideal and you can prepare them in the same way you'd prepare any kind of mulch for your plants. * How to apply the mulchTomatoes will need between 2 and 3 inches of organic mulch surrounding them at all times. This is to ensure that nutrients remain in the soil, and that it remains warm and moist. It is also to discourage the growth of weeds and protect the plant from soil-born diseases and pests. Anyone going about this should lay down a number of layers of papaya leaves over the soil around the tomatoes with a view to achieve the aforementioned depth. Maintaining the plant and mulch Over time, the organic matter (the papaya leaves) will break down and return to the soil, putting nutrients back into the soil for the plant as well.This means that your plant obtains organic nutrients as well as organic protection from the elements. Any gardener will need to monitor the layer of mulch and ensure that it is replenished suff iciently throughout the summer. Review of Related Literature Mulch is a layer of material, preferably organic material that is placed on the soil surface to conserve moisture, hold down weeds,  and ultimately improve soil structure and fertility. There is more to mulch than meets the eye. Be it a fluffy blanket of hay, a rich brown carpet of cocoa bean hells, or a mantle of sawdust that â€Å"topping† for the vegetable patch and flower bed serves as much more than frosting on the garden cake. Mulch Acts. It performs in several wondrous ways. It fills a role as protector of the topsoil conserver of moisture, guardian against weather extremes and comfortable, bruise-saving cushioned under repining procedure. It prevents weed growth while enriching the soil and all but eliminates a lot of those time-consuming, back aching  jobs like plowing and cultivating always. Materials and MethodologyDried papaya  leaves make an ideal organic  mulch, providing warmth and nutrition t o the  tomato plant  below, while also helping to prevent the growth of unwanted weeds and proliferation of diseases, as well as protecting them from soil borne pests. All that is needed for papaya  mulch  is the  dried leaves  of the papaya tree. Unfortunately, papaya grows in a  tropical climate  so many not be so easy to come by, although the Internet is an incredible resource for obtaining the unobtainable. If you are geographically fortunate to have a tree growing near you then simply harvest it of its leaves and then dry them out.There are three ways this can be done: 1. Pat dry any moisture on the papaya leaves, hang them up and leave to air in a dark and dry place. This could take several weeks depending on the climate. 2. Place the leaves on a baking tray and heat at around 225 degrees Fahrenheit, monitoring them closely until the moisture has evaporated but before they become brittle or burn. 3. Alternatively zap them in  the microwave  on a low heat un til dry. Once dry  apply  the  mulch  at roughly around two to three inches thick on  the soil  bed and around the base of the tomato plants. For best results, he  mulch  should be replenished during the summer once the previous  mulch  has decomposed. The effect of papaya leaves as  mulch  is that they bring the soil's pH level to a more neutral range which is the preference of most plants. To make mulch for  tomato plants  from  dried papaya  leaves, you'll need a  mulch lawn mower  and a wood chipping device. By beginning your mulch pile in the autumn months, and continually adding  wood chips  and mulched,  dried papaya  leaves, you'll soon be ready to add  the pile  to the earth  around your  tomato plants  (in late spring or early summer).The best mulches, such as mulch created with  dried papaya  leaves, are used to add height and width to  tomato plants. The nutrients and  chemical composition  of  dried papay a  leaves makes these leaves very effective fertilizers for  tomato plants. Tomato Growing Tips †¢ When planting your tomatoes from seeds, be sure you space the seeds out and give each seed plenty of room to sprout roots and grow. The best tomato growers give each seedling a few inches of space before planting the next seed. If you don't have much soil to grow your tomatoes in, consider planting less seeds, but taking excellent care of the seedlings that are already in place.To get the best results, seeds need plenty of room to  branch  out and lay down roots. †¢ Trimming your plants with garden shears can be a great way to ensure that you get bigger, juicier tomatoes during the growing season. In general, removing leaves from the bottom portion of the  tomato plant  is the best gardening  strategy. It's fine to leave the top leaves as they are when tending to your  tomato plants. Mulching is a clever way to amp up the size and scale of your  tomato plant s, and dried papaya  leaves are terrific natural â€Å"food† for  tomato plants.If you're examining ways to improve your yield of  tomato plants  this year, be sure to think about creating a mulch pile filled with shredded papaya leaves and  wood chips. Discussion of results Based on the data the researchers have gathered, we can see how the set-ups with dried papaya leaf mulch had a higher growth rate than those without. After the allotted time for the experiment, all the plants from the mulch set-up grew at least 7cm higher with the highest growing 8cm higher. On the other hand the set-ups without mulch only grew at least 5cm taller with the highest growing only 7cmtaller.Set-ups Set-up  Parts| Before  Mulch  Exposure| After  One  Week| Tomato plant| Light  Green  leafs  | Dark  Green  leafs,  taller| Dried Papaya Leaf Mulch| Damp| Dry,  bad  smell| Summary All plants are still healthy  because  of the color of  their leaves. By wee k 3, the average height of the A plants is 4. 462 cm (2. 44 cm more than initial average height). The average height of the B plants by week 3 is 5. 990 cm (3. 804 cm more than initial average height). Conclusion The researchers therefore conclude that using dried papaya leaves as mulch for tomato plant helps tremendously in its growth rate.Dried papaya leaves have nutrients that help nurture the soil so that it will be more favorable conditions for the growth of tomato plants. Also the researchers found out that dried papaya leaves are basic and therefore help make the soil in which tomato plants grow more neutral. This is important because studies have shown that neutral pH levels of soil are the most favorable conditions for a tomato plant to grow in. Recommendations 1. All plants could be at  the same initial height at the  start of the experiment to  have more consistent data and to see the growth with more precision. . Based on our further research, testing dried papaya leafs as insect repellants would be a more effective topic than testing its characteristic as alkaline mulch. 3. There could have been a set-up in which a commercial fertilizer was used to be able to compare the mulch's attributes to fertilizers used by farmers all around the country. 4. The set-ups could have been observed for at least two more weeks to check if  the growth rate for both set-ups would have remained constant or changed over  time. Dried Papaya Leaves as Organic Mulch for Tomato Plants Dried Papaya Leaves as Organic Mulch for Tomato Plants Abstract Mulching in agricultural provides a safe yet equally profitable method of enriching and fertilizing the soil planted with crops. Most often-used mulches are of organic composition, such as dry leaves and barks. Unlike  synthetic fertilizers  and herbicides, these organic mulches pose no or little damage to the soil and crops. In this study, the effectiveness of  dried papaya  leaves as organic mulch for tomato was tested.Papaya mulches in different thickness were applied on plots planted with tomato in three replications. After the determined period of mulch  application, the researchers  application, the researchers measured the height increases of tomato plants and the weed density in the plots. It was concluded that papaya mulch significantly promoted height increase of tomato plants and inhibited the growth of weeds. The best mulch was 3 inches in thickness. IntroductionUsually defined as the use of organ ic and biodegradable materials to give plants the nutrients they need, organic farming proved to be the safest and most effective method of increasing and sustaining yield. Various methods fall under organic farming, such as composting, green manuring, legume inoculating, and utilizing animal manure as fertilizers. Mulching is a simple process that increases soil fertility and regulating several factors affecting overall plant growth. In this method, a layer of material-the mulch-is placed on soil surface around the plant.The mulch is used to retard the growth of weeds, protect roots and stems from sudden or extreme temperature changes, reduce soil erosion by wind and water, retard runoff of rainfall, prevent soil pudding by breaking the impact of raindrops, and keep flowers and fruits from being spattered with mud during rainstorms. Hypotheses 1. Treatment 2 (black plastic mulch)  was the most  effective mulch for growing eggplant in terms of:a. Controlling  weedsb. Insect  Countc. Number  of  damaged  and  undamaged fruits. Weight of  damaged and undamaged fruits 2. There was  a significant  difference among the treatments  in terms  of:a.Controlling  weedsb. Insect  Countc. Number  of  damaged  and  undamaged fruits. Weight  of  damaged and  undamaged  fruits 3. Treatment 2 (black plastic mulch)  was the most  effective mulch for growing eggplant in terms of producing undamaged fruits. Significance of the study Nowadays, various processes and methods have been considered inorganic farming such as composting and utilizing animal manure. These methods have been proven in giving excellent growth and development of plants. One of the techniques in organic farming that have been used today is mulching, either dry or wet season.It is very effective in conserving soil moisture for  the plants, prevents growth of weeds, can lessen  the use of chemicals like insecticides and pesticides, keep flowers and fruits fr om being spattered with mud during rainy days, keeps the soil cooler during summer and keeps warmer in rainy season . Numerous recyclable materials are found in our surroundings such as barks, leaves, rice straw, sacks and plastics that can be used for some agricultural purposes like mulching and these materials can be used as an organic fertilizer for plants.Furthermore, rice straw, sacks and plastics has been proven as mulch for plants. If these materials were used properly, it would be a big benefit to the humanity particularly to the farmers . It is for this reason that, the researchers thought of exploring the comparison between rice straw, black plastic and white old sack as mulch for eggplant in terms of number of weeds ,number of insects, number and weight of fruits. Through this, the farmers will have comprehensive information about the differences between the different mulching materials.In addition,  this  study  can  help  the  farmers  to  lessen  the use  of  chemical  products  and  will contribute to the protection of the environment for not using synthetic fertilizers and pesticides which could harm our nature but rather the mulching materials that have a minimal cost and environment friendly. These will also help the  country’s aim in harnessing the full potential of  its natural resources. Definition of terms Papaya leaves are commonly used as organic mulch for tomato plants as they provide all the nutrients required by the plant, without the need to cover the tomato plant in pesticides.Tomatoes grow right through from the spring until autumn, and turn in a number of fruit harvests during this period of time. They are incredibly hungry and thirsty plants and require mulch all summer long for their protection. * Organic mulch for tomatoes Organic mulch can be made from any kind of plant or animal matter and papaya leaves are perfect for this. Other things that can be used include bark, pine chips, grass clippings, spent leaves and regular compost. Papaya leaves are ideal and you can prepare them in the same way you'd prepare any kind of mulch for your plants. * How to apply the mulchTomatoes will need between 2 and 3 inches of organic mulch surrounding them at all times. This is to ensure that nutrients remain in the soil, and that it remains warm and moist. It is also to discourage the growth of weeds and protect the plant from soil-born diseases and pests. Anyone going about this should lay down a number of layers of papaya leaves over the soil around the tomatoes with a view to achieve the aforementioned depth. Maintaining the plant and mulch Over time, the organic matter (the papaya leaves) will break down and return to the soil, putting nutrients back into the soil for the plant as well.This means that your plant obtains organic nutrients as well as organic protection from the elements. Any gardener will need to monitor the layer of mulch and ensure that it is replenished suff iciently throughout the summer. Review of Related Literature Mulch is a layer of material, preferably organic material that is placed on the soil surface to conserve moisture, hold down weeds,  and ultimately improve soil structure and fertility. There is more to mulch than meets the eye. Be it a fluffy blanket of hay, a rich brown carpet of cocoa bean hells, or a mantle of sawdust that â€Å"topping† for the vegetable patch and flower bed serves as much more than frosting on the garden cake. Mulch Acts. It performs in several wondrous ways. It fills a role as protector of the topsoil conserver of moisture, guardian against weather extremes and comfortable, bruise-saving cushioned under repining procedure. It prevents weed growth while enriching the soil and all but eliminates a lot of those time-consuming, back aching  jobs like plowing and cultivating always. Materials and MethodologyDried papaya  leaves make an ideal organic  mulch, providing warmth and nutrition t o the  tomato plant  below, while also helping to prevent the growth of unwanted weeds and proliferation of diseases, as well as protecting them from soil borne pests. All that is needed for papaya  mulch  is the  dried leaves  of the papaya tree. Unfortunately, papaya grows in a  tropical climate  so many not be so easy to come by, although the Internet is an incredible resource for obtaining the unobtainable. If you are geographically fortunate to have a tree growing near you then simply harvest it of its leaves and then dry them out.There are three ways this can be done: 1. Pat dry any moisture on the papaya leaves, hang them up and leave to air in a dark and dry place. This could take several weeks depending on the climate. 2. Place the leaves on a baking tray and heat at around 225 degrees Fahrenheit, monitoring them closely until the moisture has evaporated but before they become brittle or burn. 3. Alternatively zap them in  the microwave  on a low heat un til dry. Once dry  apply  the  mulch  at roughly around two to three inches thick on  the soil  bed and around the base of the tomato plants. For best results, he  mulch  should be replenished during the summer once the previous  mulch  has decomposed. The effect of papaya leaves as  mulch  is that they bring the soil's pH level to a more neutral range which is the preference of most plants. To make mulch for  tomato plants  from  dried papaya  leaves, you'll need a  mulch lawn mower  and a wood chipping device. By beginning your mulch pile in the autumn months, and continually adding  wood chips  and mulched,  dried papaya  leaves, you'll soon be ready to add  the pile  to the earth  around your  tomato plants  (in late spring or early summer).The best mulches, such as mulch created with  dried papaya  leaves, are used to add height and width to  tomato plants. The nutrients and  chemical composition  of  dried papay a  leaves makes these leaves very effective fertilizers for  tomato plants. Tomato Growing Tips †¢ When planting your tomatoes from seeds, be sure you space the seeds out and give each seed plenty of room to sprout roots and grow. The best tomato growers give each seedling a few inches of space before planting the next seed. If you don't have much soil to grow your tomatoes in, consider planting less seeds, but taking excellent care of the seedlings that are already in place.To get the best results, seeds need plenty of room to  branch  out and lay down roots. †¢ Trimming your plants with garden shears can be a great way to ensure that you get bigger, juicier tomatoes during the growing season. In general, removing leaves from the bottom portion of the  tomato plant  is the best gardening  strategy. It's fine to leave the top leaves as they are when tending to your  tomato plants. Mulching is a clever way to amp up the size and scale of your  tomato plant s, and dried papaya  leaves are terrific natural â€Å"food† for  tomato plants.If you're examining ways to improve your yield of  tomato plants  this year, be sure to think about creating a mulch pile filled with shredded papaya leaves and  wood chips. Discussion of results Based on the data the researchers have gathered, we can see how the set-ups with dried papaya leaf mulch had a higher growth rate than those without. After the allotted time for the experiment, all the plants from the mulch set-up grew at least 7cm higher with the highest growing 8cm higher. On the other hand the set-ups without mulch only grew at least 5cm taller with the highest growing only 7cmtaller.Set-ups Set-up  Parts| Before  Mulch  Exposure| After  One  Week| Tomato plant| Light  Green  leafs  | Dark  Green  leafs,  taller| Dried Papaya Leaf Mulch| Damp| Dry,  bad  smell| Summary All plants are still healthy  because  of the color of  their leaves. By wee k 3, the average height of the A plants is 4. 462 cm (2. 44 cm more than initial average height). The average height of the B plants by week 3 is 5. 990 cm (3. 804 cm more than initial average height). Conclusion The researchers therefore conclude that using dried papaya leaves as mulch for tomato plant helps tremendously in its growth rate.Dried papaya leaves have nutrients that help nurture the soil so that it will be more favorable conditions for the growth of tomato plants. Also the researchers found out that dried papaya leaves are basic and therefore help make the soil in which tomato plants grow more neutral. This is important because studies have shown that neutral pH levels of soil are the most favorable conditions for a tomato plant to grow in. Recommendations 1. All plants could be at  the same initial height at the  start of the experiment to  have more consistent data and to see the growth with more precision. . Based on our further research, testing dried papaya leafs as insect repellants would be a more effective topic than testing its characteristic as alkaline mulch. 3. There could have been a set-up in which a commercial fertilizer was used to be able to compare the mulch's attributes to fertilizers used by farmers all around the country. 4. The set-ups could have been observed for at least two more weeks to check if  the growth rate for both set-ups would have remained constant or changed over  time.

Cool Runnings Essay

In the film ‘Cool Runnings’ directed by Job Turteltaub had taught me many valuable lessons for future life. Also a character had stood out for me whom is known as Derice, which had taught me even more. He has taught me about commitment, determination and also leadership and this is how it has compacted for myself. To begin with, Derice showed me that commitment could take me to the ultimate limit. Turteltaub used techniques such as close-ups on Derice’s running shoes and his face. Meanwhile, as Derice is getting ready and focussing on his position, the setting is a beautiful tropical island and an amazing ocean view, which tells me that he must be a local that lives in the beautiful island. Turteltaub also showed when Derice’s passion and commitment had impacted on his image it had stood out quite clearly, even though his gears were tiny rocks and a toilet paper roll in the beginning. Doesn’t mean it could be consistent throughout his life. One day he could become an Olympic Champion which supports the Olympic Value – pursuit of excellence and fair play. It’s important for teens like myself to learn these valuable lessons because starting a career, dream or passion now could have a huge impact on what it’s going to be like in the future. Lots of us teens are going through rejections and low self-esteem so by following my dreams is what I’m going to be heading for. Secondly, Turteltaub had showed me about determination. He also used techniques such as close-up of Derice’s face and Irving Blitzer (legendary Bobsled double gold medallist) as Derice was trying to pursue Irv to be the first time Jamaican Bobsled coach. But Irv has been consistently rejecting his offer. Turteltaub has shown how Derice had felt afterwards, after facing his loss in the qualifying round for track racing. He was determined to find a way to get back into the Olympics. This emphasises that giving up your dream is an easy thing to do, because that is like a short cut for being negative, but by committing and being determined harder, at least you’re going somewhere, which follows the Olympic value – pursuit of excellence. It’s important to learn these valuable lessons because as a teen myself, I’ve been doubted in many different ways throughout my life, but because I’ve been determined to make a change and prove them wrong, that was exactly what I’ve done because I have been true to myself and standing against negativity. Thirdly, Turteltaub taught me about leadership. He showed this when Derice (close-up shot) had to lead by example when his whole boblsled team crashed.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

A Soldier’s Conviction

You people must know that the life of army personnel is not an easy job. Our fingers bleed with the thorns of the branches that give us roses. We pay the penalties for the benefits that we accrue as army personals. The foremost reason for which I joined the army is the gift of honor and dignity that this job gives to the soldiers.From time immemorial nations distribute these gifts to the men who lay their lives for the sake of the glory of their country and for the safety and protection of the lives and wealth of their countrymen. I desired that gift and so I joined the army. I got it.My family has to bear the pangs of separation from me. Though they don’t work for the army but they suffer because I work for the army. The nature of my work takes me away from them for days on end.My son is just five years old, he loves me and feels proud of me for being an army personnel, but he wants to spend a great deal of time with her mother that she cannot afford for being an army personn el. He hates bad guys because he thinks that they are the reasons for which armies are given birth in this world.In army, people are not allowed to choose their dating partners of their will and liking. The routine of their job forbids them from doing so. My job doesn’t allow me to date with a civilian as he is not able to understand the hardships, problems and tight schedules of army life.We don’t have a big deal of spare time to spend in understanding our intended life-partners or friends. We are required to be ever ready to move at any time to any place.In this job we see people dying, wounded, brutally massacred and killed. These horrible scenes strongly affect our sensibilities and we suffer spiritually and mentally because of them. This job provokes us to mistrust the people and be ready for the worst. I have to follow so much rules and regulations in this life that I feel like a robot. I am so trained that I cannot mix and talk freely with the civilians.Yes, if you want job security and stability you can have it in army. It is a fact that now a days, in civilian jobs; people are sacked from the jobs on petty issues and small mistakes. In army we enjoy the stability of the job, as government stands guarantee, and we don’t fear that we might be kicked out on trifles.No doubt we, the soldiers, are made strong physically and mentally. I can dare to challenge anything in life because I am a soldier. We feel proud that we can be part of history by serving in operations. Take my example; I am a part of the history as serving in the operations against the Iraqi freedom AOR.My job made me eligible for many benefits such as low or zero markups on many different kinds of loans, many discounts and very attractive insurance policies. I get many traveling, dining and hoteling benefits. I enjoy many holidays here. My health is well taken care of for being army personnel. It is not just that they send you out in the field to die a dog’s deat h. They care you very well in the field as well as out of the field.No doubt army serves you well but disturbs you as well. Â  

Monday, July 29, 2019

Academic Writing in the Digital Age Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Academic Writing in the Digital Age - Essay Example High school students nowadays write academic essays as well. Universities are also using academic essay writing as a way of selecting the right students for admission and as a way of assessing performance of their students in the final exams especially in the schools of humanities and social sciences. This essay will look into what essays are, what is its importance especially in colleges, skills gained by academic essay writing, multimedia genre that can equip students with the same skills, how the skills will be of benefit to the students after school and how the digital age will address the needs of the digital students. Academic Essay Writing One cannot understand what an academic essay is before understanding what an essay is. An essay can be described as a piece of writing or wittings from an author’s point of view and it can carry some other authors’ thinking with citations from the authors’. An essay can be inclusive of a number of issues from political m anifestos, learned arguments, literary criticism, daily life observations, reflections, to the recollections. There are different forms of essays with academic essays being one. The types are admission essays, film essays and photographic essays. An academic essay is therefore a piece of writing from the writer’s point of view on a particular issue for educational purposes (Ellis & Louise 24). For years, academic writing has been part of college. Students, especially in this digital era, have just been doing it because they had no choice but just to do the essays if they are to graduate. They would do the essays with carelessness or haphazardly just to be done with the painful experience of writing without realizing how important it is to them. Essay writing is not part of the college curriculum to punish or torture students but to equip them with skills that they would use not just in their professions but also in their daily lives (Ellis & Louise 62). Essay writing equips s tudents with a number of skills with the most common one being the ability to write. It is not everyone who can read and write has good writing skills just not everyone who can speak out words is excellent in the language. Essay writing makes one become perfect in this skill of writing because practice makes perfect. One gets to know how arrange their ideas in a systematic and chronological manner (Ellis & Louise 266). Ability to research, use handy information is another skill gained through writing academic essay. When given an assignment to write an essay, more often than not it will include researching for useful information or data. After getting the data from the research, the student will be required to use the information into use in writing the essay. Continuous writing of these essays gradually develops the student’s research skill and the ability to put information to use (Ellis & Louise 260). Few people have the ability to express their point of view whether throu gh speaking or writing clearly. College essay writing comes in handy in helping people with this. This is so because some essays ask the students' point of view about something. As they express their opinions or thoughts about the issue, they develop the skill of expressing one’s thoughts. The skills are developed as expressing through writing first then gradually their ability to express themselves through speaking (Ellis & Louise 32). The other skill that is acquired through writing essay essays is the ability to analyze issues and solve problems. Sometimes essay involve analysis of issues, or giving solutions to problems like say drought, corruption and others. The writing of such essays will require the student to look into such an issue critically and offer way outs. The

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Ethics in the hospital setting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Ethics in the hospital setting - Essay Example Consequently they significantly contribute to the effective healthcare outcome of patients as well as become important part of personal and professional growth of nursing professionals. In the patients’ care, the ethics and ethical dilemmas faced by nursing professionals encompass five nursing ethics: altruism, integrity, autonomy, social justice and human dignity (Fowler, 2008). I have often come across ethical dilemmas within my arena which is orthopaedic department. I have to deal with patients who come directly after hip surgery. Encountering ethical issues test the competencies of nurses in terms of the learning experiences and help them evolve into empathetic and empowered healthcare professionals. The three most commonly found ethical issues in acute care setting are: altruism, autonomy and social justice. These issues influence the healthcare delivery as well as the recovery rate of patients in the acute care setting mainly because these issues are intrinsically linked to the core of nursing that highlights personal care, compassion and positive attitude of nurses that helps inculcate inner strength within patients to cope with illness and empower th em with knowledge to facilitate faster recovery (Robichaux, 2012). Altruism is highly crucial element of nursing that promotes greater sense of commitment towards the welfare of other people. The self-sacrifice of individuals for the benefit of others constitutes integral part of nursing. The nurses often tend to sacrifice their time when the patient requires their help. They are highly devoted to the cause of easing pain and providing an encouraging environment of hope and optimistic attitude to the patients and their family. I have strong sense of responsibility that encourages understanding and cooperation among the colleagues. Most importantly, patients’ needs are always at the priority over personal requirements because their ill health makes them vulnerable and giving

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Influence of Confucianism on the Han Dynasty Essay

Influence of Confucianism on the Han Dynasty - Essay Example Confucianism became quite popular under the Han dynasty and influenced it greatly in terms of politics, history, education, law, and the role of women. According to Spodek, Confucianism influenced politics in the Han dynasty by changing the hierarchy of power within society. In a Confucian society, scholars were the most powerful, â€Å"followed by farmers, artisans, and merchants†(Spodek). In this new hierarchy, scholars had the most influence over how the Han empire ran on a day to day basis. Confucianism also had a great impact on history and its importance within the Han dynasty. According to Spodek, court historians were utilized in a much greater capacity than in previous dynasties. This change was due to the fact that Confucianism emphasized the â€Å"importance of tradition and continuity†(Spodek, 2006). This emphasis, therefore, dictated that histories should be documented more frequently and carefully. Education and law were other areas that were especially influenced by Confucianism. Within the Han dynasty, special schools were set up to teach Confucian principles(Spodek, 2006). Spodek states that â€Å"the emperor declared that the knowledge of Confucian classics would be a basis for promotion in the imperial civil service†(Spodek, 2006). This was a significant change as before the shift to Confucianism, only the aristocracy was really brought into the imperial civil service(Spodek, 2006). Law also changed as Confucian scholars were given the power to change and inform the laws within the Han dynasty in order to reflect Confucian principles(Spodek, 2006). Lastly, the role of women was influenced by Confucianism. According to Spodek, Confucianism taught that women were inferior and should dedicate themselves to serving men such as their brothers, fathers, and husbands(Spodek, 2006). Confucianism established the way women should behave in that they were seen as subservient to the males within their society.

Friday, July 26, 2019

United States History - Great Depression Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6750 words

United States History - Great Depression - Essay Example This essay focuses on the Great Depression that mostly unnerved African Americans in south. Faced with the double burden of racism and Depression - induced poverty, black people struggled to survive. Because blacks were disproportionately employed in the service sector, they were particularly vulnerable to the economic crisis that forced even well-to-do residents to scale back on luxuries like keeping servants, dining out, and traveling by rail. Blacks dared to hope for progress not perfection and the intermixture of symbolic and substantive assistance, of rhetoric and recognition, swelled further hope in the formerly disheartened. Despite the fact that little had changed for the better in the concrete aspects of life for most black southerners, a belief that "we are on our way" took root. Blacks associated the New Deal with it, and idolized Franklin D. Roosevelt for it. Given the heritage of racism they credited the New Deal with establishing government precedents favorable to black s, with making civil rights a part of the national liberal agenda, with generating reform and, as never before in our nation's history, propounding the federal government's responsibility in race relations. These changes that were analyzed in the essay did little to ameliorate the continuity of racism staining the New Deal, but they would help transform the despair, the discouragement, the dreadful apathy of black southerners into a fighting conviction of a better world that could soon and surely be achieved.

The meal experience Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

The meal experience - Assignment Example This area houses padded stools and benches around bars and a variety of tables. Warm, gleaming natural wood paneling accents the space, along with tiffany lighting, mirrors, signs and local artifacts on the walls. Hand-written signs above the bar list current menu offerings and specials. The dining areas offer a lighter, brighter contrast to the pub lounge. One dining area presents neutral tones, tiled floors, a fireplace, and complementary dà ©cor. Brick walls lead to another area with inviting wood flooring and additional privacy resulting from stained glass dividers. If the weather permits, the beer garden at the back of the establishment offers a grill for barbecue, with picnic tables and umbrellas to allow guests to enjoy the fresh air as part of their dining experience. All areas of the establishment are clean and appear to be well-maintained. The dà ©cor, use of local artifacts, comfortable seating, and organization of the restaurant lay the foundation for an excellent dining experience. Nothing in the setting detracts from the meal; everything is complementary, and the environment invites the guests to relax and enjoy themselves. The staff of The Fatted Calf supports this invitation to relax. From the initial greeting, throughout all courses, and into the end of the meal, the staff was very patient and nice. They answered all of our questions thoroughly, were personable, and maintained an exemplary level of service that allowed us to focus on the meal. Of particular note is the head chef and co-owner, Feargal O’Donnell, who created the original menu and attended us personally throughout the meal. Chef O’Donnell explained the menu in detail, emphasizing the use of local and artisan ingredients where possible in all of the dishes in the restaurant. This practice ensures freshness, while generating good will for the establishment. Our sample menu included Donald Russell Irish

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Agricultural sector for the country Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Agricultural sector for the country - Coursework Example Therefore, agriculture is rated as one of the crucial economic sector in Cambodia, this is because it represents more than 30 percent of the country’s GDP. Most of the Cambodia household lives in the rural regions. With such a population, most families depend on agriculture. The agricultural sector offers employment to more than 50 percent of the population. The highest rate of employment experienced by the country was in 1998, where it recorded a rate of 78%. Most income for rural household is low, thereby resulting to food insecurity. A percentage of the Cambodia population stays in plateau region that had limited access. However, due to the contribution of agriculture to the economy, the roads are well connected to major cities. Therefore, Agriculture has remained to be one of the most important sectors in Cambodian economy, based on its share of GDP (Gross Domestic Product) in the country and contribution to

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

How popular music is used to express the artists views of contemporary Coursework

How popular music is used to express the artists views of contemporary society in Black Eyed Peas - Where is the love music text - Coursework Example 9). The music highlights the dire confusion that characterizes the global community to date, where instead of living by what it professes it is doing the contrary. This is via killing and encouraging evils that tend to fuel disunity like discrimination emanating from the love of one’s race, hence offering it adequate space to block other people from mingling freely. Conversely, some verses in the song address some selected people especially the leaders who have incalculably yielded to the eruption of global wars. The wars like WWII that have erupted due to the motivation from own gains where the leaders assume they are right. Additionally, the song’s composer in a way encompasses even the audience as having contributed to the same scenario globally. This is because the text addresses the humanity (world) and uses pronoun â€Å"we† to imply the entire people. The song’s intention is to inform global inhabitants who have high intellectual competence than oth er creatures. The message is in the form of a query regarding the utter dehumanization that is evident worldwide and persists to the present. Music text gives an illustration of terrorism, which the global securities are tying to curb it, especially the America via utilizing its sophisticated CIA organ, but all in vain (Miller, 2004, p. 9). The vice is still evident in the world, and its impacts nobody can refute since it terminates guiltless people primarily the children and youths. Its core question is the where has love vanished and the world’s sympathy besides respect for people. Since all the ills that characterize the world presently emanate from the nonexistence of love that should unite and bring harmony. Contrary, disunity, animosities have taken the lead where they characterize... This "How popular music is used to express the artists’ views of contemporary society in "Black Eyed Peas - Where is the love" music text" outlines the connection between the songs texts and author's personal opinion about society on the Black Eyed Peas "Where is the love" example. The song’s intention is to inform global inhabitants who have high intellectual competence than other creatures. The message is in the form of a query regarding the utter dehumanization that is evident worldwide and persists to the present. Music text gives an illustration of terrorism, which the global securities are tying to curb it, especially the America via utilizing its sophisticated CIA organ, but all in vain (Miller, 2004, p. 9). The vice is still evident in the world, and its impacts nobody can refute since it terminates guiltless people primarily the children and youths. Its core question is the where has love vanished and the world’s sympathy besides respect for people. Sinc e all the ills that characterize the world presently emanate from the nonexistence of love that should unite and bring harmony. Contrary, disunity, animosities have taken the lead where they characterize humanity’s actions besides resulting to deaths and crying of guiltless children, leaving them as orphans. The text is calling upon the world to live according to what it preaches (love) instead of the contrary, hence the song’s title â€Å"Where Is The Love?† The composer unveils brewing of wrangles amid states that yield to grievous wars (Miller, 2004, p. 9).

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Flight 1862 Report Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Flight 1862 Report - Case Study Example The Captain Yitzhak Fuchs, First Officer Arnon Ohad, and Flight Engineer Gedalya Sofer were on board. Anat Solomon, who happened to be the only passenger on board, was an employee of E1 A1 traveling to Tel Aviv to be married to a colleague. (El Al Flight 1862 retrieved from Flight 1862 was originally scheduled to depart at 5:30 PM, but the departure was delayed till 6:20 PM. At 6:22 PM, Flight 1862 took its departed from runway 01L on a northerly heading. Immediately it went away from the runway, it turned to the right so as to follow the Pampus departure route, with the help of the Pampus VOR/DME navigation station. Soon after the turn, at 6:27 pm, just above the Gooimeer, a lake somewhere near Amsterdam, a very sharp bang was heard above while Flight 1862 was climbing through 6500 feet. Engine 3 was separated from the right wing of the aircraft, and thereby damaging the wing flaps, and struck engine 4 in the process, and this separated it from the wing. The two engines fell off from the plane, attracting the attention of some pleasure boaters who had been taken aback by the loud noise. The Netherlands Coast Guard was immediately notified by the boaters of two strange objects they had seen falling from the sky. A mayday call was made by Captain Fuchs to the control tower and made indications that he wanted to return to Schiphol. At exactly 6:28:45 PM, the captain reported that they had lost the number 3 and number 4 engine, number 3 and number 4 engine. Personnel information The flight crew included the captain, the first officer, and the flight engineer. A review of the qualifications and background of the flight crew revealed that the captain was 59 years old, held an Israeli airline transport license. The flight captain had 25,000 hours total flying time, and 9,500 hours flying the B-747. The first officer, age 32, held an Israeli ATPL with type ratings in the Boeing 747 and Boeing 707. He had 4,288 hours flying time, with 612 hours in the Boeing 747. The flight engineer, aged 61, held an Israeli flight engineer license, with ratings for the Boeing 747 and Boeing 707. He had 26,000 hours total flying time, and 15,000 hours in the B-747. (Flight safety foundation accident prevention 1996) The Route of the fatal flight The enormity of the situation was not yet grasps by ATC. In aviation world, the word "lost" as used by Captain Fuchs generally refers to a loss of engine capacity. As a result of this, ATC therefore believed that the two engines had merely stopped functioning, and did not realize that they had actually fallen off. Probable the crew too did not realize that the engines had fallen off the aircraft. The visibility of the outboard engine on the wing of a 747 from the cockpit is quite difficulty, while the inboard engine on the wing is not visible at all. It is most likely that the crew did not know that both engines had broken away from the right wing. The Emergency landing attempt The runway available for traffic at Schiphol was runway 06 (the Kaagbaan) on the evening of October 4, 1992, that notwithstanding, Captain Fuchs requested for runway 27 (the Buitenveldertbaan) for an emergency

Monday, July 22, 2019

Cultural Differences in Body Language Essay Example for Free

Cultural Differences in Body Language Essay Do you know what I am doing? (thumbs up to the side – Hitch hiking). When I do this, most of you would think it means â€Å"good job†. But in the middle east, for example in Iran, it’s an insult similar to â€Å"the middle finger†. Good evening Madam Toastmaster, fellow toastmasters and guests, tonight let’s look at body language in different cultures. Do you agree that gestures can communicate as effectively as words? I agree. Some might argue, it maybe even more than words. However we must be aware different culture has different body language. Therefore, in our personal and business lives, careful consideration must be given to whom we are with and where they are from. A question that we might ask is; do we expect other cultures to adapt to our customs and protocol, or are we willing to make an extra effort to learn more about how they prefer to communicate? It wouldnt be the first time that someone who wasnt familiar with the communication customs of another country, found themselves in a rather embarrassing situation. Many years ago, President Richard Nixon arrived in a foreign country. Upon his arrival, he stood at the top of the stairs leading from his aircraft door, and overlooked the welcoming crowd gathered below him. He smiled and proudly raised both hands high in the air, palms facing outward and gave a gesture of his trademark famous Peace sign (as he had done many times before while travelling abroad). However the crown immediately began to jeer and hiss at the President, and he found himself on the receiving end of a hostile and rude welcome. Could you imagine how he felt? The reason was because in the country he was visiting, the two fingered, palms outward Peace sign, which was acceptable in North America, was an absolutely offensive gesture to the local people in that African country. This would have been the equivalent of a president from another country visiting New Zealand, and with a smile, flipped the bird which in their country might have meant greetings. As a member of the audience, how might you react? In North America, a simple thumbs up gesture can mean that things are great or a hitchhiking sign which indicates I need a ride. However, in Greece, this gesture signifies up yours when accompanied with a rapid upward and slower downward motion. The gesture for YES is often thought to be universal, however in India they wobble their heads from side to side to say yes. Correct me if I’m wrong my Indian friends. There are also variations in saying no. In Greece they toss their head up. In Japan, they wave their hands in front of their nose like ur gesture for stinky. Or, how about the OK sign where the index finger and the thumb connect to make an O shape and the three remaining fingers point up and slightly flare out. Although acceptable in Western culture to signal that things are A-OK, in Russia or Turkey, this gesture can represent a sexual insult. specifically an orifice (thats as far as Ill go with that). In China you may see two men walk hand in hand or with an arm around anothers shoulder. This is a sign of friendship. However, the situation is regarded as homosexual in American culture. In some countries such as France or Italy, it is acceptable to exchange a kiss on one or both cheeks while shaking hands when greeting one another. In other countries such as Japan, this type of behavior is considered impolite as the Japanese are considered to be a non-touch society relative to other cultures. The Japanese have a respectful custom to bow to each other. The most senior status person bows the least and the least status person having to bow first and display the deepest bend from the waist. Business cards are exchanged and read first in a complex formality. This ritual is to determine the seniority, position or rank of everyone in the room first. Then the bowing gesture commences based on the information read. For example, let’s say Tony Cooper is the CEO of Mitsubishi Motors in Japan. I am a small department manager from Fontera†¦the process is: So as you can see, it is really important to know your audience. If you are traveling to other countries, you need to be aware that some of the most commonly acceptable gestures at home can have a completely different meaning to someone from abroad. Demonstrating a sound knowledge of the cultural differences in nonverbal communication will get you noticed and others will appreciate that you are both respectful and prepared. Tonight you’ve learnt as least one thing: be careful if you thumb a ride in Greece O Take the time and invest in a little research to become culturally educated. By doing this you will be able to: Save the embarrassment. (i. e. Be careful if you thumb a ride in Greece O) Gain the competitive edge. A little research can go a long way prior to traveling abroad on business. Surely it helps if you are willing to make an extra effort to learn more about how they prefer to communicate. As the saying goes, In Rome, do like the Romans do. Get to know your audience and their customs. Remember in business, its about being prepared and establishing rapport quickly. Understanding body language in different culture might be the very thing that tips the scales in your favor and will give you the competitive edge youre looking for.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Stroop methodology: attentional bias in alcohol drinkers

Stroop methodology: attentional bias in alcohol drinkers This study is on attentional bias in alcohol drinkers. In this experiment undertaken the main objective is to find out whether alcohol drinkers are likely to allocate their attention to alcohol-related words, because if our attention is owed to the alcohol-related content, or if our memory processes becomes occupied, the researcher should identify a delay in reaction when the participants are naming the colour of an alcohol-related word when presented. The study therefore hypotheses that moderate alcohol drinkers are likely to allocate their attention to alcohol-related words. For this study, there were 170 participants in total, all aged 18years plus. The Stroop task method was used on the computer (PC). The gathered results were entered into the computer (PC) to calculate descriptive and inferential statics, so the results could be seen visually and statistically. The results show there is significance to the prediction that attentional bias will influence our memory processes in r elation to alcohol drinkers. Introduction Attentional Bias refers to the term not allowing one to examine all possible outcomes when judging about an association. Previous research stems from the famous Stroop effect that was discovered in 1930 by J.Ridley Stroop. This was an experimental effect in which he discovered that the individuals cognitive processing ability was very powerful. In other words The Stroop effect (Stroop, 1935) is a prime example of the human failure to attend selectively to a particular aspect of a complex stimulus (Algom, D., Chajut, E., Lev, S. (2004). Since most researchers are interested in finding out things, the logical next step would be to develop further on and ask whether this actual delay in reaction time is due to moderate drinkers compared to light drinkers. In order to test the effectiveness of this Stroop effect, one uses the colour words example. By this, we mean words that are written using same coloured ink i.e. red written in red ink, and words written in different coloured ink i.e. red written in blue. The participants are asked to read the words and not the colour. This sounds easier to do than it actually is. In this study the methodology and the affects of the Stroop test will be critically evaluated. To achieve this, previous research and literature will be drawn upon. A study of Duka and Townshend (2001) demonstrated attentional bias associated with alcohol cues: differences between heavy and occasional social drinkers, they used a dot probe (alcohol-related pictures and words) and questionnaires, and the aim was to examine whether non-dependent heavy drinkers would differ in their selective attention towards alcohol-related stimuli compared to social drinkers, the results showed attentional bias amongst the heavy drinkers in relation to alcohol-related stimuli, scores in factors such as sociability and sexuality shown to also be high, but low on personality and persistence. A further study of Duka and Townshend (2004) demonstrated the priming effect of alcohol pre-load on attentional bias to alcohol-related stimuli; they used a dot probe and questionnaires, and the aim of this study was to examine whether attentional bias towards alcohol-related stimuli wound increase after priming with either one or two doses of alcohol/placebo, the results on m ood ratings showed dose dependent increased in positive mood radar after alcohol pre-load, and in the dot probe task, all participants showed attentional bias towards the alcohol-related stimuli, and the neutral bias was only positive at low alcohol dosage. A study of Sharma, Albery, and Cook (2001) demonstrated selective attentional bias to alcohol-related stimuli in problem drinkers and non-problem drinkers; they used a modified Stroop task (computerized), the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory in order to measure Anxiety, the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) to allow scoring (high or low), the participants were divided into three groups: local community alcohol service (CAS), student volunteers who were divided into two control groups, the aim of this study was to examine whether patient of problem drinkers selectively attend to alcohol-related stimuli compare to the two control groups of non-problem drinkers, the results indicate significance amongst the CAS group in longer reaction times in responding to colour of alcohol-related words compared to neutral words, with reduced interference for the high AUDIT group, therefore significant; in the low AUDIT group no significance was found. Additionally, no evidence is provid ed in the interference habituated amongst the three groups. A study of Stetter, Ackermann, Scherer, Schmid, Straube, and Mann (1994) demonstrated whether alcoholics develop an information processing bias towards disease-related stimuli, the results indicated an increase of error amongst alcoholics when presented with the disease-related stimuli compared to the neutral conditions, and controls. A further study Stetter, Ackemann, Bizer, Straube, and Mann (1995) by testing their hypothesis that alcoholics develop a disease-related attentional bias, with 40 male alcohol-dependent, and 40 male healthy, and used the Stroop colour-naming task, the results showed alcoholic inpatients performed significantly poorer than the control group under the critical experimental condition (colour-naming of disease-related words), as compared with the non-critical condition (colour-naming of neutral words; p = 0.03), no effects were found on the reaction times. A study of Johnsen, Laberg, Cox, Vaksdal, and Hugdahl, (1994) conducted in Norway demonstrated attentional bias in the processing of alcohol-related words on alcoholic subjects, using the Stroop colour and word test, the results indicate the alcoholics respond slowly on all categories, more so on alcohol-related words compared to the control group, and both groups responded slowly to colour interfering words than neutral words, the findings suggests that the alcoholic subjects allocated their attention to alcohol-related words, therefore allowing their cognitive processes take over making it impossible to ignore the alcohol-related words. Method Participants The participants were recruited the students at London South Bank University. There will be 170 participants in total, 34 males (17-moderate and 14-light drinkers) and 139 females (68 moderate and 71-light drinkers), and all the participants were adults aged 18years plus. Apparatus All participants were asked to complete the tasks on a computer (PC), and the same apparatus was used to store data, and later analyse the data collected. Design The Stroop task method is used and the two-way ANOVA test will be used to analyse data (2 X 2 Mixed subject design). There are two independent variables i) Group (light vs. moderate alcohol drinkers) ii) Word Type (neutral vs. alcohol-related words), and the dependent variable is the reaction time to identifying the colour the word is presented in. In order to verify differences that may occur, the between group and within group will be looked at in more depth. Procedure In this study, the following was explained. Each participant was asked to follow the instructions provided on the screen. Labels were placed on the buttons on the keyboard for each subject to make their responses. There are two set type of words (alcohol-related words and neutral words). The participants were required to complete a serious of trials in responding to the colour of the ink that the word is written in (BLUE, RED, YELLOW, and GREEN) and (VODKIA, J.DANIELS, GIN, and BEER) rather than word. Part of the instruction was that they must complete each trail as quickly and accurately as possible, as their reaction time would be recorded Results The results of the 2 x 2 ANOVA was used to analyse the data. The effects of word type (alcohol-related words and neutral words) f = (1,168) 140.16, p = . Neutral Word Alcohol Word Main Effect of Drinking Type Light 840.00 mean score (34.28) sd 870.52 mean score (28.51) sd 855.26 mean score (31.66) sd Moderate 849.91 mean score (28.86) sd 892.67 mean score (21.26) sd 871.29 mean score (24.73) sd Main Effect of Word Type 845.01 mean score (31.95) sd 881.73 mean score (27.39) sd Fig 1: The table below shows the mean scores, and standard deviation of the word type (alcohol-related words and neutral words), and drinking (moderate drinkers and light drinkers) Fig 2: shows the interaction graph Discussion For this study the hypotheses do support, in other words significance was found. The literature of the prior studies using the Stroop paradigm with alcohol-related stimuli has a number of fundamental methodological problems. According to Sharma, Albery, and Cook (2001) the first problem identified is that the multitude of different variables that could potentially be manipulated giving a totally different set of results. It therefore becomes apparent that one needs to be very clear on exactly what the variables are and what exactly the researcher wants to achieve. Another problem identified is that of the actual format administered. Again, many issues may arise regarding the way in which the test is formatted. If the format is changed, will the result change along with it? As more development is completed in this area of study on alcohol addiction, the researcher no doubt will see that, the variables and the modes of administration discussed above will have a huge effect on the study. For example, one set of results could construct stronger effects than others, and that the other probable central variables make no difference at all to the outcome. The researcher should also take into account that however, a task is administered to the participants is bound to have both advantages and disadvantages, and can be improved upon. This does not mean that one way is better than the other. It just means that the researcher needs to be aware of this and choose a methodology that best works for them. Choosing the correct methodology in any study therefore can be just as important as the actual study itself. What becomes apparent is that there is no particular way of carrying out a study. Either way studies will carry certain advantages and disadvantages. One particular study related to our discussion was the single-word presentation of the Stroop stimuli. In this case, the stimuli were given in card format. One card had all the needed stimuli for alcohol -related words while the other had neutral words. The time taken by each subject to colour name the words on the first card compared to the second was recorded. In other words, recorded reaction time. This format, although used on many studies, comes with its limitations. Evidence obtained concludes that it is difficult to accurately measure the response time by the individuals and that the process evolved is very time consuming and involves a lot of calculations. In other words this type of format may be seen as being time consuming and tedious for the researcher to carry out. Its not all bad however, the card format can have an advantage in that it produces stronger interference effects (e.g. McNally, Amir and Lipke, 1996; Williams et al., 1996), presumably because it provides a se mantic network of words in a given category (Sharma, et al 2001). In addition, the individuals words recorded in terms of its reaction time are not used with any presentation mode, as each participants reaction times to each category of stimuli are averaged prior to statistical analysis. Other objections to the use of card presented stimuli were that the total time measured included both correct and incorrect responses. Previous research shows that the amount of trials where errors occurred is in fact rare and equivalent for different categories of stimuli. Furthermore, studies by Stetter et al also seem to agree. His study shows that card format stimuli does not allow for the measurement of time-cause of alcohol attentional bias. For instance, with these card presentations one would not know if the strongest bias occurred for alcohol words presented earlier and then the bias attenuated. An attempt to rectify this issue was to assess participants habituation to the stimuli across time. This was achieved by observing how reaction times to the alcohol and neutral stimuli changed during the course of the experiment. In relation to Johnsen et al studies, it was criticized in many aspects such as, the word types not being matched on the frequency. Additionally being assured in using two words alcohol-related words, for example liquor store; red wine. (Sharma, et al 2001).However, Johnsen et al stated clearly that since the studies were carried out in Norway, the words were obviously translated in Norwegian vinmonopol = liquor store, and rodvin = red wine, and as you can see, when translated its single words. Further criticisms were put forward to why the participants were asked to press the key response button; and call out the name of the colour. Sharma et al study contained a number of problems. Firstly, the neutral words were long to a given category (environmental features), which affects the reaction times. Secondly, the number of neutral words being associated closely to the four ink colours (e.g. blue, red, brown, green), also how these colours were closely linked to the words (e.g. blue s ky, green grass). Also concerns were put forward on the manner of design (e.g. low, middle, and high) drinking groups. Lastly, problems occurred with the problem drinkers, who may have resolved their alcohol problems being placed amongst the heavier drinkers. To conclude, there are two opposing thoughts with the methodology used; one that the Stroop paradigm is highly objective, valid and reliable, and the other that some are not worthy of inclusion. Many researchers are continuing to offer theoretical explanations to account for the Stroop paradigm, and still trying to make sense on how it could be adapted to be more advanced in being improved.

Nerve Conduction Physiology

Nerve Conduction Physiology BASIC PHYSIOLOGY OF NERVE CONDUCTION The neurons form the building blocks of the nervous system. The central nervous system (CNS) contains about 100 billion neurons. It also contains 10–50 times this number of glial cells. Neurons Neurons in the mammalian central nervous system come in many different shapes and sizes. Most of them have the same parts as a typical spinal motor neuron shown in Figure 2. Figure-2: Typical spinal motor neuron The cell body (soma) contains the nucleus and is the metabolic center of the neuron. Neurons have processes known as dendrites which extend outward from the cell body and arborize extensively. Particularly in the cerebral and cerebellar cortex, the small knobby projections over dendrites are called dendritic spines. The dendrites are the receptive part of the neuron. A typical neuron has long fibrous axon that originates from thickened area of the cell body, the axon of hillock. The first portion of the axon is called the initial segment. The axon divides into presynaptic terminals, each ending in a number of synaptic knobs which are also called terminal buttons or boutons. They contain granules or vesicles in which the synaptic transmitters secreted by the nerves are stored. The axonal process is responsible for transmission of propagated impulses to the nerve endings. Based on the number of processes that emanate from their cell body, neurons can be classified as unipolar, bipolar, and multipolar. Figure-3: Unipolar and bipolar neurons Figure-4: Multipolar neurons Glial cells: There are two major types of glial cells : microglia and macroglia. Microglia are scavenger cells they resemble tissue macrophages and remove debris resulting from injury, infection, and disease (eg, multiple sclerosis, AIDS-related dementia, Parkinson disease, and Alzheimer disease). Microglia arise from macrophages outside the nervous system and are physiologically and embryologically unrelated to other neural cell types. Glial cells continue to undergo cell division even in adults and their ability to proliferate is particularly noticeable after brain injury (eg, stroke). There are three types of macroglia: 1 Oligodendrocytes, 2 Schwann Cells, and 3 Astrocytes. Oligodendrocytes and Schwann cells form myelin around axons in the CNS and PNS , respectively. Astrocytes are of two subtypes. Fibrous astrocytes, which contain intermediate filaments, found primarily in white matter. Protoplasmic astrocytes are found in gray matter having granular cytoplasm. Both types of astrocytes send processes to blood vessels, where they induce capillaries forming the tight junctions making up the blood–brain barrier. They send processes enveloping synapses and surface of nerve cells. Protoplasmic astrocytes have a membrane potential varying with the external K+ concentration but they do not generate propagated potentials. They produce substances that are tropic to neurons, and they help maintain the appropriate concentration of ions and neurotransmitters by taking up K+ and the neurotransmitters glutamate and ÃŽ ³-aminobutyrate (GABA). The axons of many neurons are myelinated, that is, they acquire myelin sheath, a complex of protein lipid wrapped around axon. In the peripheral nervous system, when a Schwann cell wraps its membrane around an axon up to 100 times myelin is formed. The myelin is then compacted when the extracellular portions of a membrane protein called protein zero (P0) lock to the extracellular portions of P0 in the apposing membrane. The axon is covered by myelin sheath except at the ending and at the nodes of Ranvier, periodic 1-m constrictions that are about 1 mm apart (Barrett et al., 2012). In the myelinated neurons, the junction between the 2 Schwann cells is known as the node of Ranvier, where the axon remains uninsulated. The intermodal distance is the distance between the 2 nodes of Ranvier and depends upon the spacing of Schwann cells at the time of myelination. As there is no proliferation of Schwann cells later on, intermodal distance increases during the growth of nerve. Thus the fibe rs myelinated early have longer intermodal distance, larger diameter and wider spacing at the node of Ranvier. The nerve conduction velocity depends on the fiber diameter and intermodal distance. The larger the axon the thicker the myelin sheath and longer the internodal distance, the faster the conduction velocity. (Mishra Kalita, 2006). Not all neurons are myelinated; some are unmyelinated, that is, simply surrounded by Schwann cells without the wrapping of the Schwann cell membrane that produces myelin around the axon. Figure-5: Glial cells: A Oligodendrocyte, B Schwann Cell, C Astrocyte Most of the neurons are myelinated in the CNS of mammals,, but the cells that form the myelin are oligodendrocytes rather than Schwann cells. Unlike the Schwann cell, which forms the myelin between two nodes of Ranvier on a single neuron, oligodendrocytes emit multiple processes that form myelin on many neighboring axons. Generation and conduction of impulse in nerve cells Nerve cells have a low threshold for excitation responding to electrical, chemical, or mechanical stimulus. Two types of physicochemical disturbances are produced and these are the only electrical responses of neurons and other excitable tissues,. local, non propagated potentials; and propagated potentials, the action potentials (or nerve impulses) and they are the main language of the nervous system. They are produced by alterations in ion channels causing changes in the conduction of ions across the cell membrane. These electrical events are rapid, measured in milliseconds (ms); and the potential changes are small, being measured in millivolts (mV). The impulse is normally transmitted (conducted) along the axon to its termination. Conduction of nerve impulses is rapid but much slower than that of electricity. Conduction is an active process it is self-propagating , and the impulse moves at a constant amplitude and velocity. Resting membrane potential The resting membrane potential represents an equilibrium situation at which the driving force for the membrane-permeant ions down their concentration gradients across the membrane is equal and opposite to the driving force for these ions down their electrical gradients. In neurons, the concentration of K+ is much higher inside than outside the cell, while the reverse is the case for Na+. This concentration difference is established by the Na+K+ ATPase. In neurons, the resting membrane potential is usually about –70 mV, which is close to the equilibrium potential for K+. Action potential In response to a depolarizing stimulus, some of the voltage-gated Na+ channels become active, and when the threshold potential is reached, the voltage-gated Na+ channels overwhelm the K+ and other channels and an action potential results (a positive feedback loop). The membrane potential moves toward the equilibrium potential for Na+ (+60 mV) but does not reach it during the action potential, primarily because the increase in Na+ conductance is short-lived. The sodium ion channels rapidly get closed called the inactivated state .In addition, the direction of the electrical gradient for Na+ is reversed during the overshoot because the membrane potential is reversed, and this limits Na+ influx. A third factor producing repolarization is the opening of voltage-gated K+ channels. This opening is slower and more prolonged than the opening of the Na+ channels, and consequently, much of the increase in K+ conductance comes after the increase in Na+ conductance. The net movement of positive charge out of the cell due to K+ efflux at this time helps complete the process of repolarization. The slow return of the K+ channels to the closed state also explains the after-hyperpolarization, followed by a return to the resting membrane potential. Thus, voltage-gated K+ channels bring the action potential to an end and cause closure of their gates through a negative feedback process. Distribution of Ion Channels in Myelinated Neurons The spatial distribution of ion channels along the axon plays a key role in the initiation and regulation of the action potential. Voltage-gated Na+ channels are highly concentrated in the nodes of Ranvier and the initial segment in myelinated neurons. The initial segment and, in sensory neurons, the first node of Ranvier are the sites where impulses are normally generated, and the other nodes of Ranvier are the sites to which the impulses jump during saltatory conduction which is responsible for faster impulse conduction in myelinated neurons. The number of Na+ channels per square micrometer of membrane in myelinated mammalian neurons has been estimated to be 50–75 in the cell body, 350–500 in the initial segment, less than 25 on the surface of the myelin, 2000–12,000 at the nodes of Ranvier, and 20–75 at the axon terminals. Along the axons of unmyelinated neurons, the number is about 110. Electrogenesis of the Action Potential The nerve cell membrane is polarized at rest, with positive charges lined up along the outside of the membrane and negative charges along the inside. During the action potential, this polarity is abolished and for a brief period is actually reversed. Positive charges from the membrane ahead of and behind the action potential flow into the area of negativity represented by the action potential (current sink). By drawing off positive charges, this flow decreases the polarity of the membrane ahead of the action potential. Such electrotonic depolarization initiates a local response, and when the firing level is reached, a propagated response occurs that in turn electrotonically depolarizes the membrane in front of it. (Barrett et al., 2012) Figure-6: Propagation of Action Potential Action potential generated in axons is propagated to either direction from its site of origin. Intracellular current flows from the active zone where the inner cell membrane is positively charged compared to adjacent inactive membrane which is negatively charged. An opposing current flows through the extracellular fluid from the inactive to active region. This local current depolarizes the adjacent inactive regions, thus resulting in impulse propagation bidirectionally along the axon. The physiologic impulses, however, arise at one end of the axon i.e., the cell body or sensory terminal and are conducted only orthodromically. In pathological conditions, however, this order of conduction is not maintained. In the myelinated fibers, the conduction is much faster than the unmyelinated. In normal myelinated axons the impulse propagated by saltatory conduction. Saltatory conduction has been compared with a kangaroo travelling at speed. The action potential advance at near uniform velocity , but it is powered by discrete kicks of inward membrane current at the nodes of Ranvier. For rapid conduction, the intermodal distance should be great enough to maximize the jump of the action potential and reduce the loss of current at the node of Ranvier. In myelinated fibers the time required for the local current to excite the next node depends on the longitudinal resistance of the axoplasm, capacitance, and conductance of the intermodal membrane. With high value of these parameters, more current is dissipated before impulse reaches the next node. This results in longer time for the impulse to depolarize the adjacent node, which is responsible for the slower conduction. Myelin thickness is inversely related to internodal capacitance and conductance. Conduction velocity, therefore, increases with the increase in myelin to a certain point. In segmental demyelination or during remyelination, myelin sheath is thin, intermodal distance shorter, internodal conductance and capacitance is increased. These result in greater loss of local current before reaching the next node of Ranvier. The failure to activate the node of Ranvier results in conduction block. In case of a partial conduction, the impulse propagation is slowed due to longer time required by the dissipating current to generate an action potential. In segmental demyelination of smaller fibers the conduction may become continuous instead of saltatory. Impulse conduction in unmyelinated fibers occurs in a continuous manner which accounts for slower conduction velocity compared to saltatory conduction in myelinated fibers. The conduction velocity also slows down in focal compression, which may be due to demyelination and decrease in fiber diameter. (Mishra Kalita ,2006).The loss of myelin is associated with delayed or blocked conduction in the demyelinated axons. Normal conduction of action potentials relies on the insulating properties of myelin. Thus, defects in myelin can have major adverse neurological consequences. Loss of myelin leads to leakage of K+ through voltage-gated channels, hyperpolarization, and failure to conduct action potentials. Nerve conduction tests can detect slowed conduction in motor and sensory pathways. (Barrett et al., 2012) NERVE CONDUCTION STUDIES (NCS) The main indication of nerve conduction studies are for evaluation of paraesthesias (insensibility, creeping, fiery) or instability of the arms and legs. The type of study depends on symptoms presented. (Gutmann et al., 2003) NCS studies evaluate the dormancy, magnitude, as well as the pattern of the feedback following stimulation of the peripheral nerve through the skin and tissues by an electrical stimuli. The principle of nerve conduction studies (Mallik, Weir., 2005) In NCS we apply depolarizing electrical pulse square wave to the skin over a peripheral nerve generating a proliferate nerve action potential (NAP) recorded at a distant point over the same nerve. A compound  muscle action potential (CMAP) originating from the awaking of muscle grains in a destination muscle supplied by the nerve. These propagate nerve action potential and compound muscle action potential may be cited with surface or needle electrodes. Minor electrodes are restricted to allow around the full muscle stimulated, giving data for the time taken for the rapid axons to conduct an impulse to the muscle and the size of the feedback. Needle electrodes for NCS give authentic conduction time information, but because they evident from a small area of muscle or nerve it gives poor information and making numerical analysis difficult. Also it is difficult to obtain patient cooperation in an invasive technique. Nerves to be tested can either be stimulated through the skin with surface catalyst or it can be tested via a needle fixed close to the nerve or nerve roots. Choice of the stimulant depends on the desire to bracket above and below the  point of a prospective focal contusion and the anatomical opportunity to the applicable structure. (Mallik Weir et al., 2005). Motor nerve conduction performing motor nerve conduction study the surface electrodes overlying a muscle supplied by nerve to be tested is electrically stimulated and compound muscle action potential (CMAP) is recorded . The recording electrodes are fixed using sticky conducive pads placed in to the  overlying target muscle. The effective electrode is placed over the muscle belly and the reference electrode is situated over an electrically inactive site near by muscle tendon. A grounding electrode is placed between the electrodes maintaining a zero voltage reference point. The CMAP  is a calculated voltage response from an individual muscle fiber action potentials. The shortened inactivity of the CMAP is the time from stimulus  to the onset of action and it is a biphasic response with an initial upward deflection followed by a smaller downward deflection. The CMAP  amplitude is consistent from baseline to negative peak (the neurophysiological convention is that negative volta ge is demonstrated by an upward  deflection) and caculated in millivolts (mV) Figure-7: Compound Muscle Action Potential (CMAP) For recording CMAP, the stimulating current or voltage  is constantly increased until a point where there is no increment in CMAP amplitude. It is only at  supramaximal point that reproducible values for CMAP amplitude and the latency between the stimulus and the onset of the CMAP can be recorded  accurately. (Mishra Kalita, 2006) . The nerve is then excited at a more proximal site. In the normal state stimulating a nerve at  proximal site results in two CMAPs of similar shape and amplitude because the like motor axons innervate the muscle fibres making up the response  However, the latency will be greater for proximal stimulation compared with distal stimulation because of the longer distance between the stimulating  and documenting electrodes. The difference in inactivity represents the time taken for the fastest nerve fibre to conduct between the two stimulation  points as well as other factors involving neuromuscular transmission and muscle activation which is comm on to both stimulation sites. (MallikWeir  Gooch Pullman, 2005; Barboi Barkhaus,2004) . If we want to measures the distance between two sites then the fastest  can be calculated as follows: MNCV (m/s) = Distance between stimulation site 1 and site 2 (mm) [latency site 2 latency site 1  measurement the distance between 2 points of stimulation should be atleast10 cm. which reduces the error due to faulty distance  Stimulation at shorter segments of the nerve, however, is necessary in the evaluation of focal compression neuropathies e.g. CTS. Such short segment  stimulation does not allow the effect of focal slowing to be diluted by the unaffected nerve segment (Mishra Kalita, 2006) Sensory  StudiesThe sensory nerve action potential (SNAP) is achived by electrically stimulating sensory nerve fibres by a supra maximal stimulus and caculating the  nerve action potential at a point . Recording the SNAP orthodromically indicate to distal nerve stimulation and recording more  proximally (the direction in which physiological sensory conduction occurs). Recording the SNAP antidromically refers to proximal nerve stimulation  and recording more distally (opposite in order to the physiological sensory conduction occurs). Different laboratories have different antidromic or  orthodromic methods for testing different nerves. The acceleration correlates directly with the sensory latency, because the residual latency which  comprises neuromuscular transmission time and muscle propagation time is not applicable in sensory nerve conduction and therefore, either the results  may be expressed as latency over a standard distance, or acceleration. Only 20% largest diameter and fastest conducting sensory nerve fibres are  using in the conventional studies functionally supplying fine touch, vibration, and position sense. Predominantly small fibre neuropathies affecting  the 80% of fibres existing with prominent symptoms of pain and conventional studies .The various abnormal findings  are conduction slowing, conduction blockage, lack of responses,or low amplitude responses. NCV studies can acknowledge the degree of demyelination  and axonal loss in the segments of nerve examined. Demyelination of a nerve results in prolongation of conduction time (decreased conduction  velocity), where as axonal loss generally leads to the loss of nerve fiber and muscle potential amplitude. ( Mallik ,Weir., 2005)

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Emotional Crypt in Gabriel Garcia Marquezs Love in the Time of Cholera :: Love Time Cholera

The Emotional Crypt in Gabriel Garcia Marquez's Love in the Time of Cholera It is a well-known fact that bread keeps fresher longer if one sucks the air from the bag it is in before clipping it tightly shut. Thus, in those nations where bread, our staff of life, is provided for us in brightly colored bags, we dutifully absorb the treacherous air, holding tightly to the theory that everything survives better in a vacuum. It is human nature to keep those things we love and need free from harm, tightly wrapped up and out of the elements.   When trauma strikes a human being it is not uncommon for that person to respond by finding or creating a small pocket of normalcy or "emotional crypt," 1   and living safely inside of it, shielding themselves from pain. These crypts take on many forms and, in turn, can be penetrated in many ways. Tombs can be literal or figurative.   While one person may prefer the sanctity of a house or   basement, another may simply create a small but perfect world inside their mind.   Still others might choose a relationship, obj ects, or a form of communication to separate painful reality from tolerable bliss. Modeled after a love affair his mother had with a telegraph operator before she was married, Gabriel Garcia Marquez's late work Love in the Time of Cholera 2 , is an eloquent illustration of how a person or persons can utilize an emotional crypt throughout a lifetime as a tool for dealing with many forms of trauma (McNerney 78).   Additionally, it demonstrates how these emotional crypts can eventually become reality for the person in a post-traumatic state. Lorenzo Daza is a mule trader who, by means legal or illegal, has made enough money to send his daughter Fermina to a fine academy for training women to be good, upper-class brides. Though they are decidedly lower middle class, Lorenzo is deeply set on his daughter marrying far above her station. Florentino Ariza, on the other hand, is the poor but ambitious bastard son of a powerful South American merchant to whom his mother was a mistress.   He works for the local telegraph company and is proficient and talented in the arts of music and, especially, writing.   He has a future as a riverboat merchant but Lorenzo is non-plussed by this.   Ariza first sees Fermina when he delivers a telegram to her father's house.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Media: Creating Controversy to Make a Quick Buck :: Race and the Media Essays

It seems that the world likes controversy because it is everywhere; on television, online, and in the newspaper. In this technology era, we can’t to get away from controversy, due to easy access on our smartphones, tablets, and lab tops. Controversy can be found in many situations in our lives and found in many subjects in the media, for example sex, religion, politics and a lot of time when it comes to race. The first topic discussed will be what is controversy? Next, is controversy need in the media? Then, why is controversy used in the media and is it necessary? As well as should controversial content be removed from the media and would removing controversy content make a difference in any way to the audience. This essay will also discuss how media presents different sides of the issue and how the media affects public opinion on the Travon Martin murder in Florida. Discussing these topics will also help us understand how to decipher controversy, in the way of does contr oversy help resolve or exacerbate controversial situations in the media. Controversy is a lengthy public disagreement or debate over many conflicting opinions. In the media there is no shortage of controversy. It seems that all controversy are over the following topics, politics, religion, sex, economics, finances, culture and race (P. Ferreira, 2013). I would not say controversy is needed in American or even the world. However America and even the entire world were built on controversy (Davenport, 2012). Since we all do not share the same opinions in every aspect or major topics in the world, because of this controversy is created sometimes voluntary and involuntary. What the media does is bring all opinions from within America and around the world to a large group of people, which in turns creates controversy out in the open to the public. Controversy is need in the world, because without it we would not know or learn all other aspects to a specific topic. For example, the crime in America is higher than other countries in the world. Some people would say that it is due to the exorbitant gun-ownership in America (Davenport, 2012). However other people’s opinions say it is not guns that kill people it is people that kill people, and other say it is the people that locate guns illegally that commit most of the killing in America.

Martin Luther Kings Leadership :: MLK Leaders History Essays

Martin Luther King's Leadership One of the world’s best known advocates of non-violent social change strategies, Martin Luther King Jr. (MLK), synthesized ideals drawn from many different cultural traditions. Recent studies of him emphasize the extent to which his ideals were rooted in African-American religious traditions which were then shaped by his education. The image of a social activist and leader was the result of extensive formal education, strong personal values and licit ethics. This excellence in leadership can be traced to his character which is shaped by his moral values and personality. We look at MLK and these traits to reveal the rationalization of his rise to transracial leadership in our society. Through studying the life and example of Martin Luther King, Jr., we learn that his moral values of integrity, love, truth, fairness, caring, non-violence, achievement and peace were what motivated him. King is not great because he is well known, he is great because he served as the cause of peace and justice for all humans. King is remembered for his humanity, leadership and his love of his fellow man regardless of skin color. This presence of strong moral values developed King’s character which enabled him to become one of the most influential leaders of our time. Integrity is a central value in a leader’s character and it is through integrity that King had vision of the truth. The truth that one day this nation would live up to the creed, "all men are created equal". No man contributed more to the great progress of blacks during the 1950’s and 1960’s than Martin Luther King, Jr. He was brought up believing "one man can make a difference", and this is just what he did. Integrity has a large effect on what we think, say and do, it is through King’s thoughts and actions that enabled so many people to have trust and faith in him. Through King’s integrity he believed that America, the most powerful and richest nation in the world will lead the way to a revolution of values. This revolution will change the way society views itself, shifting from a "thing-orientated" society to a "person-orientated" society. When this occurs, King believed that racism will be capable of being conquered and this nation will be "Free at last." King’s unconditional love for all humans was another value that strongly influenced his character and allowed him to have such excellent leadership ability.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Good Hair

There are three major beliefs that hinder Alice Andrews’s life progression; however one belief hinders it the most in the novel and this is shown in three ways. Alice is young, Black, bourgeois, and in search of everything, as her life unfolds her beliefs and past are challenged. First, Alice maintains the belief that it is important to look the part and not be labeled as low class or impoverished. This is relevant because she becomes a prisoner in a world of pretense. Second, Alice believes she should she should hid the truth about where she comes from and lives her life deeply ashamed of her blue collar New Jersey roots. This is relevant because it causes her to lose herself identity. Third, Alice struggles to fit in the upper echelon class she surrounded herself by and Alice Andrews’s belief that it is necessary to look the part and not be labeled as low class hinders her life progression because she becomes a prisoner in a world of pretense. Based on what she believes about social status, it appears that â€Å"good hair† is a standard of beauty and status amongst the upper echelons of the African American social order in Manhattan. There was pressure from society to promote this standard of beauty in the novel. More specifically, social status and beauty standards are doubtless dependent to a certain extent on physical appearance. As Alice struggled to look the part in order to be accepted, it became clear that the standards of beauty had a significant burden on her notion. In society, African Americans continue to struggle with the concept of good hair. I believe that the lack of proper cultural images and the negative social scripts caused by mainstream media play a significant role in the perception of beauty. Another reason why Alice Andrews’ struggle to maintain an image caused her life progression to be hindered is because she became a prisoner in a world of pretense. Since her entire foundation was built on the claim that

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Network Security Essay

The bag which encompasses the profits solution and certificate considerations is a major consideration for your high society. Considering that the company will be expanding from one (1) account to three (3) floors in the very burn down future you, as the CIO, are responsible for(p) for the purport of the substructure and security protocols. You engender been tasked with designing a net profit that is stable, redundant, and scalable. In addition, speed and reliability are cardinal considerations.Assumptions should be drawn regarding network wont in relationship to network serve and resources. All the established criteria that were set at the onset should be adhered to within your plan. The network solution that is chosen should support the conceived learning system and every(prenominal)ow for scalability. The network infrastructure will support organizational operations therefore, a pictorial view of workstations, servers, routers, bridges, gateways, and assenting poi nts should be recitationd. In addition, entre paths for meshing access should be depicted. Additionally, the security of the network should be in the forefront of your design because protecting your data is a direct consideration. division 1 Infrastructure memorial 1. Write a four to sestet (4-6) varlet infrastructure document in which you a. Justify and support the relationship betwixt infrastructure and security as it relates to this data-collection and synopsis company. b. Present the rationale for the logical and carnal topographical layout of the planned network. c. Design a logical and physical topographical layout of the sure and planned network through the use of graphical tools in Microsoft Word or Visio, or an open source selection such as Dia. Note The diagrammatically depicted solution is not include in the required page length. d. represent the possible placement of servers including access paths to the Internet, onslaught detection systems (IDS), and firew alls.Note Facility limitations, workstations, databases, printers, routers, switches, bridges, and access points should be considered in the illustration. e. Create and happen upon a comprehensive security constitution for this data-collection and analysis company that will i. protect the company infrastructure and assets by applying the principals of confidentiality, integrity, and approachability (CIA). Note CIA is a widely utilise benchmark for evaluation of info systems security, focalization on the three (3) core goals of confidentiality, integrity, and approachability of information. ii. Address ethical aspects related to employee behavior, contractors, rude(a)s usage, and access to networked resources and information.Section 1 of your duty grant must follow these formatting requirements * Be typed, double spaced, using Times modern Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides citations and annexs must follow APA or school-specific format. decelerate with your professor for any additional instructions. * take a cover page containing the style of the assignment, the students name, the professors name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not include in the required assignment page length. * Include charts or diagrams created in MS Visio or Dia as an appendix of the infrastructure document. All references to these diagrams must be include in the body of the infrastructure document.Section 2 Revised Project design Use Microsoft Project to 2. Update the final cause plan from with three to five (3-5) new project tasks each consisting of five to ten (5-10) sub-tasks.The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are * Develop information systems-related activities to maximise the business value within and orthogonal the organization. * Demonstrate an understanding of existing and appear information technologies, the functions of IS, and its impact on the organizationa l operations. * Evaluate the issues and challenges associated with information systems integration. * Use engineering and information resources to research issues in information systems. * Write clearly and concisely active strategic issues and practices in the information systems area using proper writing mechanism and technical style conventions.